Do you find yourself asking the question ‘How can I lower my electric bill?’

If you find yourself asking the question ‘how can I lower my electric bill this summer?’ then you’ve come to the right place. With the cost of living at an all-time high, it’s a smart choice to start taking measures to make sure you are not needlessly overspending and overusing. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to cut back and save on your electricity bill. Here are More Savings’ top 5 easily achievable tips to help you save that little extra this Summer!


1. Switch out those light bulbs

One easy change that can be done in a matter of minutes is to switch out your light bulbs. For a lot of homes, people are still using incandescent bulbs unknowingly of their high-cost factor. These bulbs only use 10-15% of the electricity they produce for light, the rest is wasted electricity. To combat this, switch to LED lights. Not only do they use 75% less energy, but they last 25 times longer than standard incandescent bulbs. While LED bulbs are not the cheapest in the store, they are certainly worth investing in to save you money in the future.


2. It’s Summer, close your blinds

A very simple tip that makes a lot of difference. This summer is a hot one, and many people will be cranking up the air conditioning or leaving the fan on all day. This is a reactive approach to a home that had already been warmed by the outside weather. Taking some time in the morning, or the night before to close all of the blinds and curtains in your home will keep the daytime sunshine from shining through and heating up your house. Keeping the sun out and your home cool and dark will limit the amount you will need to use your air conditioning or fan, ultimately saving you money on your electric bill. Not only this but keeping your home cool is highly important if you have little ones or furry friends. Keeping a comfortable, manageable temperature in your home is a lot easier if you avoid your home heating up like a greenhouse, to begin with!

How can i lower my electric bill?

3. Keeping cool the cheap way

If you do find yourself having to use your fan or air conditioning, don’t fear, there is a way to cut the cost with these too. While air conditioning and fans are expensive to run, fans overall use a lot less energy than your air conditioning does. Using the method of blasting your air conditioning for 10 minutes and then switching it out for a fan is a good way to make sure your air conditioning is not left on for a long period of time while still circulating air around your house. However, another option is to leave the air conditioning off all together and instead, place a bowl of ice in front of your fan. This blows ice-cold air around your space just as air conditioning would, but at half the cost! How can I lower my electric bill, you say? With ice!


4. Unplug, unplug, unplug!

If you’re still asking “how can I lower my electricity bill”, this next tip is one of the easiest habits to help. If you haven’t already, simply getting yourself into the habit of switching off AND unplugging things that you aren’t using goes a long way in saving these extra pennies. While you might think it’s more hassle than it is worth, think about all the devices you currently have plugged in, each generating heat energy in the plug or wires. From all of your kitchen appliances and every charger left in the wall, this generates a lot of heat energy which ultimately adds up on your electric bill.


5. Choose energy efficient appliances where you can

It’s no secret that some appliances eat up your electricity. These are things like dryers, washing machines, home air conditioning and refrigerators. While this last tip may be a little harder and not quite as easily achievable as the rest, it’s a tip that will make a huge difference in the long run and More Savings urges you to highly consider the change. Opting to replace your energy guzzling appliances with energy efficient versions is one of the best ways to guarantee you’ll save in the long run. For example, switching your energy eating fridge freezer for an energy efficient model can save you on average £138 per year. While you may be spending out a little to switch models, we believe energy efficient appliances are a fantastic way to make sure you are not over spending in the years to come.


How can I lower my electric bill further?

If you still find yourself asking ‘how can I lower my electric bill?’, More Savings has plenty more tips and tricks to help you achieve this. From small changes to big ones, there are a mountain of ways you can start saving on your energy bill. With Autumn on the horizon, stop asking “how can I lower my electric bill” by getting in touch with More Savings, and start planning how to save on your energy bill. We can’t wait to help you save more!